How To Use Household Items for Exercise

Create your gym at home with zero investment

We all love our body and we all want to keep it healthy, strong and active. Sometimes, we want to maintain its shape as well. And for that, it is necessary to do regular workouts.

If you can join a gym and get a trainer, then it is well and good. If not, it is also okay then, you can convert your house into a gym by using household materials as gym equipment.

There are so many benefits in this process. Firstly, you don’t need to travel to the gym, secondly you don’t need to bear any additional expense etc etc.

Here are a few suggestions you may get useful for this purpose.

Use Backpacks for weight lifting

Any kind of backpack or any heavy material with a certain weight can be used for weight lifting exercises.

For regular workout, use medium weighing backpacks i.e. 5_10 kgs. For muscle building, increase the weight gradually, but in that case it is better to get an expert's opinion. Walking while carrying backpacks helps to enhance body balance and working capacity of the body.

Use folding metal chair for tricep dips

Folding chairs can be easily used as a replacement of bench to do tricep dips. These kinds of chairs are easily available and can be found in almost every house. Just be careful about its use, make sure that the chair you are using is strong enough to hold your weight and body balance.

Use towels as sliders

Sliders are used to give support to the body parts like the head, hands, and feet while doing push ups. Small towels can be used as sliders while working out inside the house. It also makes the exercise more effective.

Use cushions as BOSU ball

BOSU Ball is something that is used for body balance exercises. Couch cushions are also like Bosu balls upon which one can practice body balance exercises.

Use rope for suspension

Use a 8ft rope and tug it with a tree. Then tie a knot at the end and do squats, inverted rows or TRX workouts with its help.

Use basketball for harder push-ups

Basketball can be used to make push ups harder. Put a basketball under your hands and then do push ups every time, you will get the difference with normal push ups within a few days.

Use bike pump for tricep workouts

It is a kind of experiment you can say. Get 3-4 tires and make them empty. Then try to fill those with the help of the pump as soon as possible. Doing this regularly will help to strengthen the triceps.