How to recognize learning style for student needs?

Each child is unique, understand then and grow with them No two individuals are similar. So is different their ability of problem-solving, growing and learning. Each individual processes information uniquely, while some might use the medium of written others will use pictures to understand and learn things better. Especially for children these days, with too much competition, it is important that the mentors, teachers, or guides recognize their students learning style. A beforehand knowledge of a student’s learning pattern helps, both, the teacher and the student in, convenient exchange of giving and receiving. Trainers and teachers should be able to understand the different learning styles. To be able to tailor the teaching style that will suit students, trainers need to incorporate various methods into teaching. Here is a list of different learning styles, how a teacher can recognize and implement them to help build comfortable learning grounds. Visual learners People with a preference for visual learning see and observe things, including pictures, diagrams, written directions, and more. Also referred to as spatial learning style, for students learning through visual is an easy understanding of information. These are the students who doodle, make lists and notes. A whiteboard or smartboard is best to use. Let students draw pictures and diagrams on the board related to the topic they’re learning. Regularly make use of handouts, presentations and give visual learners a little more time to grasp the information. Auditory learners These students learn better when reinforced by sound. Such students can easily listen and grasp a lecture than reading notes. These learners prefer reading out loud to themselves, aren’t afraid to speak up and brilliantly explain things verbally. Involve your auditory learners in the lecture by asking them to repeat the concepts back to you. Encourage group discussions as it will help them properly understand the information being presented. Videos, music, or audiotapes are also helpful tools for learning. Kinesthetic learners These are the learners who learn only after experiencing or doing things. Also called tactile learners, they like to get involved by acting out events or using their hands to understand concepts. They might also struggle sitting still for a longer period. Keeps this learner group type moving by instructing them to act out scenes from a lesson and play with them learning games that will help them memorize lessons by asking the students to write on the whiteboard. Reading/writing learners For those who prefer learning through written words, words are the best way of expressing them. These types of learners are into reading articles or books, writing diaries, and look up words in the dictionary. Since similar to the traditional learning system it is easier but gives students time to absorb information through the written words.