How to know if you have chosen the right multivitamin supplements?

The multivitamin supplements can be taken for multiple health reasons As kids, most of us took our daily chewable multivitamins considering we thought they’re supposed to fulfil our potential nutrient gaps. There are still many people who take it with a belief that they’re boosting their immune system, or enhancing their skin, hair or health in general. People who are the most benefited from the appropriate multivitamin include those who absorb fewer calories, older people, or those who have had a heart disease. How to choose a multivitamin Once you decide to take a multivitamin, it is very important to determine whether taking a multivitamin is right for you or not, since there are several options available: Verify its ingredients It is vital to figure out that the ingredients present in the multivitamins are pure and contain what all they mention on their labels. So do not be fooled by labels which claim that they are verified by the medical agencies. Instead, check them online as well. Figure out the daily values of ingredients There has to be the right balance of all the ingredients in the multivitamin. For instance, calcium cannot make 100% of the multivitamin. Similarly, magnesium and potassium levels are usually low to avoid drug-nutrient interactions. Do not forget that certain vitamins like A, D, E, and K can also become toxic if taken for a longer duration. Determine the right balance for your age and sex The doctor too determines the multivitamin on the basis of gender and age. For example, premenopausal women require more iron in their diets, while older adults need more calcium, vitamin D, and B6. So take the guidance of the doctor who will help you determine how much of specific nutrients you actually need. Do not miss the essential micronutrients Apart from the well-known Vitamin C, calcium, iron, magnesium, and potassium, multivitamins should also consist of Thiamin, riboflavin, and niacin B6, B12, and folate or Vitamin D2 or D3. So also make sure to eat healthy foods on a regular basis to get the key nutrients. While you may consume the multivitamins, do not miss these important sources of food that are rich in these nutrients: Calcium: Low-fat milk, cheese, and yogurt Vitamin D: cereals and yogurt Potassium: Beans and legumes, fruits Fiber: Nuts and seeds, oats and whole grains, and fruits and vegetables Magnesium: Avocado, spinach, dry beans When to take your multivitamin The time of day to take your multivitamin is not important. But taking it with food might help in relieving stomach discomfort and aid in absorption.