Published By: Admin

Heatproof Your Tyres: Tips to Take Care of Your Car Tyres during Summer

The summer season has arrived and it's time to give some extra love and attention to your car's unsung heroes - the tyres!

Just like you protect your skin from the scorching heat, your tyres also need some TLC during the summer months. Here are some essential tips to keep your wheels rolling smoothly all season long. Check out the tips now!

Store Them in a Proper Manner:

When it comes to caring for your car tyres during the summer, story them properly. It looks easy but it can help extend their lifespan and performance. Start by cleaning the tyres thoroughly before storing them to remove any dirt or debris that could cause damage over time.

Make sure to store them in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures. Avoid placing heavy objects on top of the tyres as this can lead to deformation or flat spots. If possible, consider investing in tyre bags or covers to protect them from dust and UV rays.

Storing your tyres vertically rather than stacking them horizontally can help prevent distortion. Keep an eye on the air pressure and rotate the position of the tyres periodically to ensure even wear.

Avoid Direct Sunlight in Stationary Position:

One important tip is to avoid exposing them to direct sunlight for extended periods, especially when the vehicle is stationary. Direct sunlight can cause the rubber in your tyres to deteriorate faster, leading to potential safety hazards and reducing their lifespan. To prevent this, try parking your car in shaded areas whenever possible or use sunshades to protect your tyres from harsh UV rays.

If you need to park for a longer duration under the sun, consider using tyre covers or simply repositioning your vehicle periodically so that all sides of the tyres are not constantly exposed. By being mindful of how direct sunlight impacts your car tyres while parked, you can help maintain their quality and performance throughout the summer season.

Do Not Clean Them with Harmful Chemicals:

Taking care of your car tyres is essential for ensuring a smooth and safe driving experience, especially during the hot summer months. When it comes to cleaning your tyres, it's important to avoid using harmful chemicals that can damage the rubber and compromise their integrity.

Many commercial tyre cleaners contain harsh chemicals that can strip away the protective coating on your tyres, making them more susceptible to cracking and dry rot. Instead of reaching for these products, opt for a mild soap or detergent mixed with water to gently clean off dirt and grime.

Avoid using abrasive brushes or scrubbers that can scratch the surface of your tyres. Go for a soft cloth or sponge to prevent any unnecessary damage while still effectively removing debris. With regular maintenance and gentle cleaning practices, you can keep your tyres in top condition throughout the summer season.

Check the Alignment:

Checking the alignment of your tyres is another crucial aspect that should not be overlooked. Proper alignment helps prevent uneven wear and ensures optimal handling and fuel efficiency. Be sure to have your alignment checked regularly by a professional to keep your tyres in the best possible condition.

Taking care of your car tyres may seem like a small task, but it plays a significant role in enhancing both safety and performance on the road. By incorporating these simple yet effective tips into your maintenance routine, you can enjoy a worry-free driving experience throughout the summer season.