Published By: Admin

Global Warming Warriors: Important Personal Actions to Make a Difference as March Becomes 10th Straight Hottest Month on Record

Every one of us can take a non-negotiable decision to protect nature, reduce climate change, and take required care of planet Earth.

There have been numerous policies to prevent climate change. But, even after that, there is no change in global warming. The fault is not in the policies. The fault is in us. We are manipulating nature and in return, nature is punishing us. But, can we stop climate change? The answer is no. But, we can surely reduce the rate by changing our behaviours.

In this article, we will discuss how we can modify our individual actions to prevent climate change.

Focus on Renewable Energy Sources:

It's time to use renewable energy sources like solar or wind to light your house. Of course, the initial installation cost is high, but, on a long-term scenario, it's much more beneficial. It will eventually decrease your electricity bill too.

Reduce Water Waste:

Get ready to become shocked! Everyday, approximately 4,84,20,000 crore cubic meters of water get wasted in India. That's a huge amount considering the number of people are deprived of clean water. If, individually, we focus on reducing water loss, we can save a huge quantity of water daily. It can reduce carbon pollution too. So, from brushing to bathing, focus on saving at least one litre everyday. Just think, if 1 crore Indians save 1 litre water everyday, how much water we can save!

Reduce Food Waste:

According to the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) food wastage index report; “68.7 million tonnes of food is wasted annually in Indian homes.”

When we prevent food waste, indirectly we save energy. One effective way of reducing food waste is to use in agricultural work. This will promote nutrient cycling, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and risks of flood or drought.

Use Energy-saving Bulbs:

LED light bulbs use only one-sixth the amount of energy than conventional electric bulbs. They are cheaper and long-lasting. LED bulbs are eco-friendly too.

Drive Fuel-efficient Vehicles:

The main reason behind global warming is use of fossil fuels. Traditionally, we have been using vehicles that run on petrol or diesel. It's time to move on. Now, we must focus on using electric vehicles. These eco-friendly vehicles cause less damage to the environment. Electric vehicles are economic too.

Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle:

Waste is a by-product of anything we do daily. Every human produces 2-5 pounds of trash regularly. Generally, we discard them in landfills. However, it's time to focus on reducing the waste production. This should be accompanied by reuse and recycling the waste.

Speak Up:

Well, there is no replacement for spreading awareness. The “word of mouth” has no substitute. Encourage your family and friends to talk about climate change and required action plans. The more you talk, the more we can raise awareness! Obviously, you will not be able to create awareness in one day, but, gradually, it is definitely possible.

From rising sea levels to excruciating heatwaves, raging storms to ferocious fires, extreme drought to devastating floods; the impact of climate change are already threatening our lives. Instead of waiting for others to take action, it's upto us.

Healing process starts in our garage, kitchen, even in dining room table. Let's make the planet Earth a better place to live!