Published By: Admin

Ghost Kitchens: What Are They And Why Are They Suddenly All The Craze?

Your late night food cravings are not being taken care of fairies but by ghost kitchens!

If you are not living under the rock, you must be familiar with certain terms like “delivery-only kitchen” or “cloud kitchen”. In the current age of food revolution that is well looped with technology, the ghost kitchens are taking over the industry and how! Well, the crux of the matter is that with the “deliver-it-now” customer base in all corners of the world, the food industry’s struggle to increase profitability has found the solution through ghost kitchens. So, what are ghost kitchens? Ghost kitchens are basically virtual brands where you can order your choice of food and it gets delivered to your doorstep without you having to step into the restaurant (not that they will have a place for you to sit and eat even if you visit them.) Ghost kitchens are full service restaurants but in a virtual world.

Now that we have got the definition of ghost kitchens out of the way, let’s find out why they are here to stay!

People Are Living Their Lives Online

The high demand for ghost kitchens comes from the huge boom in the online ordering and delivering trend among people. The reason why brick and mortar retail stores are in the last leg of their lives is also the reason why brick and mortar dining places are becoming out of date. On most days, people find ordering in online and getting your food delivered to you in a jiffy much easier and there are hundreds and thousands of apps enabling this trend. Naturally, the demand for ghost kitchens are on the rise and it is not going to go down any time soon!

There’s Less Overhead With The Order-To-Home Food Chain

With ghost kitchens, there’s less need of front-house workers which of course means lesser cost and more labour efficiency. When it comes to the digital food ordering system, ghost kitchens are the new centralised kitchens. The restaurateurs save a ton of money on the infrastructure and the labour costs, making the kitchen more efficient and convenient for the food making and delivery services.

Real Estate Prices Are Not Pretty To Look At

Well, it’s truly the era where people are starting to follow their passion and believing that anybody can be anything they want. For someone, who dreams of following their passion for cooking and opening fully functional kitchen, it is not a piece of cake. We mean, take a look at the real estate prices and you will get what we are arriving at. Opening a restaurant would make a huge hole in the pocket in terms of the real estate investment. With ghost kitchens, you can start a business right from your home kitchen or even rent shared space. It all works out according to your needs.

Ghost Kitchens Have Technology On Their Side

The restaurant technology renaissance is here and ghost kitchens are adapting to it fiercely. To say the least, ghost kitchens are mobile and tech smart. They are embracing technology mixed with the customer’s demands of ordering food online and creating an online presence and this is doing it all for them. We mean, as long as you have social media and the smart technology on your side, who’s to stop you! We kid you not, if drone delivery actually becomes a thing in the future, ghost kitchens are going to be the ones to look out for in the food and restaurant business. The agility and technological smartness of ghost kitchens is what making them so viable today!