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Fresh Air Flow: Detoxify Yourself with These Easy Yoga Practices on International Yoga Day

Incorporating yoga can enhance lung function by detoxifying your body through pollutants removal and consequently improve overall well-being.

Air pollution is not a new thing anymore. According to World Health Organisation (WHO) reports, nearly 7 million people die every year due to air pollution. Despite location, we get exposed to numerous pollutants every day. There is no place in the world without any trace of pollutants. From mask to air purifier, you might have tried everything, but have tried yoga? Scientifically, this is one of the best ways to detoxify your body and eliminate pollutants. On this International day of yoga, we will be discussing about some of the crucial yoga steps to protect your lungs from pollutants.

Yoga To Promote Respiratory Health:

Camel Pose (Ustrasana): The camel pose is highly beneficial for respiratory health. This involves a deep backbend, while stretching your chest and throat. Camel pose improves lung capacity. Moreover, Ustrasana promotes better posture as well as relieving tension in the neck region. Regular practice of camel pose increases oxygen intake. During ongoing pollution, it acts as an important yoga to detoxify your body.

Headstand (Sirsasana): By doing headstand, your body’s gravity is reversed. Along with promoting good blood circulation, it removes toxins from the body and strengthen your respiratory system. Don't try this yoga alone, always take help of experts to avoid injury.

Candle Stand (Sarvangasana): This yoga is also beneficial for patients suffering from respiratory problems like asthma. Candle Stand looks like you are standing tall like a candle. The best time to practice this is in the morning.

Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana): Bhujangasana mimics the posture of a cobra snake with raised head. This is an effective yoga to improve your respiratory system. Due to stretching of the chest, airflow gets improved and consequent increase in lung capacity.

Pranayama or Breathing Techniques To Improve Respiratory Health:

This is an ancient form of breathing control which can remarkably help respiratory system:

Kapalabhati: Kapalabhati involves forceful exhalations through the nose, however the inhalation remains passive. It clears the respiratory passages while improving lung capacity. Daily practice will remove harmful toxins from the respiratory tract and improve oxygen intake.

Bhastrika: This is a rapid and powerful breathing practice involving forceful inhalations followed by exhalations. By boosting oxygen circulation throughout the body and releasing carbon dioxide, it clears the respiratory airways.

Anulom Vilom: Also regarded as an alternate form of nostril breathing, Anulom Vilom mostly focuses on calming the body. It balances the energy flow while reducing stress, and improving lung efficiency. By regularly practicing Anulom Vilom, you can gradually strengthen your respiratory tract and build strong resistance against pollution-related diseases.

Expert's Advice:

Dr Hansaji Yogendra, Director, The Yoga Institute advised: “In addition to these yoga asanas and pranayama techniques, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and diet is equally important in combating the effects of pollution. Adequate hydration, a balanced diet rich in antioxidants, and staying well-hydrated can help in building a robust immune system. It's also advisable to limit exposure to polluted areas and use masks when necessary.”

Long term exposure to pollutants can damage your lung and cause diseases like asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). As we cannot do much about ongoing air pollution, we can only safeguard ourselves through these yoga practices.