Five Ways to Heal Stressed Skin

Nursing back to health dull, acne-bruised, tired and dry skin

When your body releases the stress hormone Cortisol in excess, its effects are pretty evident on skin. Since Cortisol triggers sebum production, breakouts become more frequent. Overall, your skin tends to become more sensitive and takes a lot of time to recuperate. While dry skin and wrinkles easily signify stress, stress also aggravates existing skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema.


Change your Diet


If you are surviving on fad diets and excess oily and greasy foods as coping mechanisms for anxiety and panic, time to redo the diet game for good. Oily, sugary, spicy, dairy and fast food worsen an already bruised skin. Resorting to green leafy veggies such as spinach and kale might be a good idea since they combat Cortisol production. A nutritional diet will increase the generation of feel-good hormones to work on the skin texture intrinsically. Popular choices are dark chocolates, magnesium-rich veggies, whole grain, bananas and oranges and Vitamin C replete fruits. Reduce the intake of caffeine and aerated drinks.


Scrutinise your Lifestyle 


Sleep deprivation, constant exposure to sun, inadequate or wrong skincare, pollution damage the skin beyond repair. The elements exert an enormous amount of stress on the skin sucking out its hydration, glow and flamboyance. Making necessary alterations to lifestyle are more desired than blindly following skincare for the exterior or applying chemicals. Trying exercises to bring calm and tranquillity to your mind and limiting the use of chemicals on skin could bring about significant improvements.


Restore Hydration of your Skin


You might need to put in extra work to bring back the lost flow and glamour. Using hyaluronic acid, Vitamin E, essential oils to beat skin dryness—rose, geranium and lavender, and shea butter could be excellent choices. Limit the use of showers, use a humidifier and restrain the reliance on excess scrubbing with soaps if dryness persists. Once out of the shower, apply moisturiser on wet skin. If you are notice itchiness, instead of scratching, try moisturiser and creams to reduce the itching slowly.


Review the Inclusion of Retinol


Retinol actively fights against nagging pimples and breakouts that spread overnight. However, use the recommendation of a dermatologist before applying any product. You can obtain retinols from creams, gels, pills and serum. With retinoid, however, you can work on both acne and wrinkles. The application, precautions and type differ.


Extract the goodness of aloe vera, ceramides and chamomile to reduce inflammation and redness. A balanced lifestyle would help your skin to heal from the damage.