Five Foods That Can Help Your Child Grow Taller

While it may be impossible to grow taller after having reached the maximum height, there are some foods that can aid in increasing your child’s height by keeping their joints, body, and bones healthy and strong.

As a parent, you wish to see your child growing tall and strong - in the pink of health. Exercise and healthy food are essential for a child’s well-being. While your little ones begin their school journey, their healthy eating habits often get neglected. Some children are picky eaters, and in the absence of their parents at school, they tend to leave behind certain foods that can help their exponential growth. Here are five foods that help your toddler grow taller.


Yoghurt is chock-full of essential nutrients that are vital for growth. About 200 grams of yoghurt contains almost 20 grams of protein. Certain varieties of yoghurt are also full of probiotics that support gut health. Apart from decreasing inflammation and improving the immune system, probiotics can aid growth in kids.


Almonds are full of minerals and vitamins vital for growth. It is packed with magnesium, fibre, and manganese. Almonds are also a good source of vitamin E, which works as an antioxidant. A deficiency in vitamin E may lead to stunted growth in children. Almonds also improve bone health.


Soy is a plant-based protein that supports muscle growth in children. If your little one is lactose intolerant and faces difficulty in digesting dairy milk, switch to Soy milk to restore calcium, protein, and vitamin D in their diet. You may also feed your child other soy products like soybean to help them grow taller and faster.


Quinoa is a nutritious seed that is frequently added to the diet to replace other grains. It is a plant-based food that is complete in protein meaning, it has all the 9 essential amino acids that our body requires. Quinoa also contains magnesium which is a necessary element for bone tissue formation, and it helps improve bone mineral density.


Milk is an indispensable part of your little one’s diet. Ensure that your child is consuming at least two glasses of milk regularly to acquire protein, calcium, and vitamin D. You can also fortify their milk with saffron and almonds for more natural antibiotics and nutrition or even add some protein-powders to make it tasty and healthier.

While these common and healthy foods will make a striking difference, you must ensure that your child also engages in regular exercise and other sports activities for further growth and development.