Published By: Admin

Earth Day Special: Some Practical Ways To Celebrate 'Earth Day' Every Day

Small changes in our daily lifestyle could make a big difference in the environment in the long run. 

"The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.” — Robert Swan. 

Observed every year on April 22, Earth Day is a reminder that the planet we call home matters and shouldn't be taken for granted. There's no "planet B", and so, it's high time we take a pause, and honor the Earth that gives us so much! And it's not a one-day commitment; we should celebrate Earth Day every single day of the year. 

Google doodle for ‘Earth Day 2023’ depicts an action plan for a greener future

So, how to do that? Let's find that out! 

Reduce Plastic Waste 

The theme for this year's Earth Day is "Planet vs Plastic", so, let's start with this one. As you may know, plastic is one of the main threats to the Earth and also poses detrimental effects on our health. So, make sure to do whatever you can to reduce your plastic waste. 

Choose eco-friendly alternatives to plastic

First of all, boycott single-use plastic. Then, reuse and recycle your plastic products in various ways - go as creative as you can. And if possible, opt for eco-friendly alternatives to plastic (for example, bamboo, paper, etc.). 

Plant A Tree 

I'm sure you have thought of planting a tree this Earth Day. While this is certainly a commendable initiative, confining this to a one-day activity won't make much of a difference. So, how about planting trees frequently (at least every week, if every day is not possible), and making it a ritual? 


Students take part in a plantation drive

For instance, you can consider it a Sunday morning activity to plant a tree. Make a garden and dedicate some of your free time to it. Go for native tree species over those fancy ones as this will ensure their survival. And make sure to water them on a regular basis. 

Opt For Public Transport 

It's a no-brainer that the fewer vehicles on the road, the better for the environment. So, if you wish to celebrate Earth Day every day, choose public transport over private cars. This will reduce carbon emissions, helping to decrease air pollution significantly. Also, public transportation consumes a lot fewer natural resources per passenger compared to private cars. And the bonus is there will be less traffic congestion. 

Public transport is a better option than private cars

The choice is yours. And trust me, this can lead to enormous positive changes for our planet. 

Conserve Water 

The biggest misconception is we have an unlimited supply of water. We don't, and it's why you need to conserve water in everyday life. Today, sit down and plan how you can reduce water waste daily. First of all, check all the pipes, and if there is a leak, repair it immediately (remember, even a small leak can lead to significant waste of water over time). Install a water-saving showerhead and rain barrels, and see how you can reuse water. And last but not least, take shorter showers, and encourage your family members about the same. 

Refrain from wasting water

The Earth provides us with so much, and the least we can do in return is not exploit her. So, adopt these small changes in your everyday life and spread the word to others. Happy Earth Day!