Published By: Admin

Dermatologist-approved Easy Skincare Tips For Spring

Spring is the best time for renewal. Let's streamline the skincare routine with easy guidance.

With birds chirping and flowers blooming around, spring is the time when human skin comes out of the cocoon of intensive winter moisturizer. Thus, we must be extremely cautious and prepared during seasonal shifts. You will find multiple options to take care of your skin in this spring. But, don't get confused with lots of trending ingredients and complicated routines. Choose this easy and right kind of skin essentials.

Have the perfect radiant glow in spring by following these steps.

Exfoliate your skin:

This is the first step of getting back your original glow. You need to exfoliate the layer of winter season. Although skin cells regenerate constantly, but, application of high moisturizer may lead to trapping of dry and dead skin cells. The most effective way of skin exfoliation is to have a hot bath having a full-body exfoliation. Use a gentle scrub throughout the body. The spots prone to rough patches like elbow, knee, back, feet, and hands needs extra attention while scrubbing.

As face skin is different from other body parts, use a different face-specific gentle scrub. After that, apply moisturizer on a fresh skin.

Focus on skin hydration:

Winter is the time when we consume less amount of water, leading to skin dehydration. Every organ needs water for proper activity. As skin is the largest organ in your body, you need to focus on proper diet and sufficient water consumption. Adequate consumption of water prevents your skin from getting flakey and dry.

One of the most effective ways to enhance skin hydration, is to consume lots of fruits and veggies. Along with nutrients and vitamins, watermelon, apple, grapefruit, lettuce, broccoli provide and retain skin elasticity. Even widely available citrus fruits in spring enhance skin glow.

Switch to light moisturizer:

Light moisturizer doesn't provide effective results during winter season. So, we tend to use heavy moisturizer in winter. As the spring approaches, you need to change the strategy. Focus on light moisturizer or gel-based formula for effective results in spring.

Wear Sunscreen before going out:

We generally apply sunscreen on a bright day and skip on cloudy day. This harms your skin. Whenever you are going outside, you should apply sunscreen lotion. Because, you may get exposed to UV rays on overcast days. So, focus on preventing skin damage by applying Broad Spectrum Sunscreen lotion. But make sure, this sunscreen should not clog your pores. You can reduce your time by choosing the moisturizer with UVA/UVB protection.

Focus on exercise:

Regular exercise can increase blood flow which is essential for healthy skin cells. When your skin cell becomes healthy, you will get your glow back. In your busy life, try to do at least 15-30 minutes of workout for better skin.

Apply retinol in the night:

After a whole day outside, you need to revitalize your skin cells. Retinol is the most effective and easily available option to do so. Don't forget to apply retinol before going to bed.

Focus on make up hygiene:

Let's think a scenario where you are focused on makeup but the kit hygiene is not maintained. From makeup brushes to sponges, every kit can harbour microorganisms harmful for your skin. Thus, gentle washing of make up kit using natural cleanser is a must. You can use baby shampoo for this purpose.

Never use products which is too old or you are not sure about expiry date.

Let's wake your skin up from winter hibernation and enjoy the perfect glow.