Can Home Renovations Replace Your Workouts?

Do you want to enhance your house but have no time for exercise? If you're planning on ditching regular exercises in favour of renovations, you're in luck.

There are some parallels between putting in new laminate and running a mile. Painting uses up 176 calories, while lugging boxes uses up 252 calories, yet weightlifting uses up only 108 calories for a 155-pound person. That means DIY housework could provide an even more effective workout. Furthermore, it's preferable to wind up with a freshly renovated home rather than sweaty gym clothes.

How Can Fixing Up Your House Serve as an Alternative to Exercise?

It's important to bear in mind that different forms of home improvements, like different types of exercises, will target different muscle groups.

You can substitute your exercises with renovations and here's how:

Though it may seem counter-intuitive, stretching is actually a great form of exercise, which is why yoga was developed. As you twist and turn while painting, putting up shelves, and rearranging furniture, you'll get a good stretch.

Most home renovation tasks include lifting something, whether it's heavy equipment or old carpeting. Working out may be as simple as picking up a heavy object and holding it.

Although squatting will strengthen your glutes, it can be hard on your knees. There may be several times throughout renovations when you will need to go on your knees to pick up or place something. If you're tiling a bathroom, for instance, you'll probably be on your knees the whole time.

Unless you're performing some kind of restoration that necessitates being up high, you probably won't be doing any climbing. To replace old shingles, for instance, you'll need access to a ladder. Since you're basically lifting your own body weight while climbing, it's a great arm workout.

What Do You Need to Know to Get Started?

You'll need to take care of yourself while remodeling, just as you would if you were doing regular exercise. If you aren't cautious, all the relocating and lifting will wear you down. Pay attention to your body and rest when it tells you to. Some renovations generate unhealthy levels of dust, so safety precautions must be taken into account as well.

Take frequent breaks to cool yourself and drink water as you work. Just like you would rest after each round of push-ups, you shouldn't force yourself to stay going the entire time you're renovating.

You should also be aware of the challenges ahead of time. While it is possible to complete many improvement projects without assistance, it is always wise to plan ahead. Walls painted with cheap paint, for instance, eventually develop cracks. Instead of going to the gym, why not substitute it with house improvements? The only downside is having to start all over again if you choose the wrong colour of paint.