8 Struggles Only Left-Handed People Will Understand

Besides the fact that being a lefty is so common, the world is still not well equipped for lefties.Here are some struggles only a lefty can relate to.

The challenges faced by those who are left-handed in our world are numerous. Right-handed people, believe us when we say you'll never get it. Here are some instances of the difficulties they face daily. We'll go right in, so be ready to learn something or, depending on your dominant hand, have your worst fears confirmed. The following is not included in any particular sequence, and it is by no means a complete list of possibilities. Let the world burn, have faith in us.

Obtaining a left-hander-friendly workstation

We'll start our list of lefties' woes with this particular annoyance. Finding the right desk is a hassle, and the university is already challenging enough. Why, why, why did anybody ever think these would be a good idea?

Finding scissors with an ergonomic grip

If you're right-handed, you'll love these scissors, but lefties will find them excruciating. Yet, even for those who cut with their dominant hand, hours of cutting can be excruciating.

Measurement tapes are often inverted

Who in their sane way would create and market a measuring tape that reads backward? Have people everywhere gone utterly bonkers? Alas, there must be "an app for that," we suppose.

It feels discriminatory to use crossword puzzles

Although it is possible to teach yourself to write backward, there is no use in doing so. A filthy hypothenar is inevitable unless you use some kind of super-duper instant-drying ink or ultra-resistant pencil. You're very welcome, and thank you—I've been saving that phrase for almost a decade. In all honesty, it's a shame.

The never-ending conflict between the right and left elbows

You have to join desks with them as if guys didn't already have it made with puzzles, scissors, and workspaces. Elbow-to-elbow conflict is practically guaranteed. Let the fighting begin!

Stickers for your pen that say "Lefty Here" if you're left-handed

If you're into conspiracies against the left, you might be interested in this. Poor lefties, as if they didn't have it bad enough. What about inverted pen decals? Sure, no problem.

Taking a sip of someone else's drink by mistake

Horrible, out-of-date table manners. More so with beverages. During a heated dispute, it's nearly impossible to keep track of whose drink is whose. To a lefty, it may as well have been made that way on purpose to make a fool of them.

Playing musical instruments

The powers that be have chosen to exclusively make instruments with the right hand in mind; how are we expected to express our creativity then? Do they not know what they're doing?