7 Common Flowers That Are Actually Poisonous

Flowers add color to your surroundings, but some common flowers are poisonous if inhaled or consumed. Read on to know them all. Prevention is better than cure, and knowing which plants are harmful to your children and pets can help you keep dangers at bay. Here is a list of common flowers we bring in our homes but can be toxic if ingested. Read on to know which ones are toxic. Hydrangea Take extra care when planting the hydrangeas. Don't keep them in a closed area if you have dogs or cats at home. The hydrangeas are a minor source of cyanide and could be fatal if eaten in large amounts. Clematis The poison in clematis is mild but can still harm you. If eaten or touched, it releases anemonin (irritant glycoside) which is harmful to both humans and pets. It can cause dermatitis and minor burning sensations in the mouth when eaten. It can affect animals such as horses, cats, and dogs and triggers vomiting and nausea. When pruning clematis, be sure to touch it with gloves. Calotropis Calotropis is among the most commonly grown weeds throughout South Asia. Its latex is released from the leaves and flowers, which, if exposed to the eyes, can cause blindness. Oleander Oleanders are beautifully sweet, fragrant, and loved by the owners of homes. They bloom in pink, white, or red. However, be cautious as eating just the smallest amount of this toxic flower could be risky. Azalea Both azaleas, as well as rhododendrons, can be poisonous to pets. These vibrant flowers are stunning to behold and add color to the garden. Ingesting the flowers, stems, or leaves may cause vomiting, stomach discomfort. Daffodil These bulbs constitute the poisonous part of this famous flower, which is why it is recommended to be extra careful when planting it, especially if you have a pet who loves to dig into flowers. Ingestion can lead to diarrhea, vomiting and squeeze cases, tremors, and heart rhythm issues. Lantana Lantana is very widespread in the tropics and is considered a weed in several countries. The flowers are available in shades of yellow, white, and red. It can also be found in pink and orange. This flower is famous for its strong fragrance and also draws butterflies. The entire plant is contaminated with the liver toxin. The symptoms of nausea, vomiting, or fatigue, as well as liver failure, could occur following consumption.