5 Mistakes You Are Making While Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting might seem like a simple concept, but it can get a little tricky.

Among many other things, 2020 had seen a huge hype for intermittent fasting. In intermittent fasting a person fasts for a few specific hours of the day and eats in the hours left. Seems simple? Apparently not! Intermittent fasting can do wonders for you only if you do it right.

Choosing A Wrong Intermittent Fasting Plan

Intermittent fasting could be done in a few different ways. There are different hour distribution plans like the 5:2 plan, where a person fasts for 2 days and eats in regular interval for the remaining five days of the week. Often people do not understand the needs of their body and choose a wrong plan for themselves. This does more harm than good. Just because someone you know follows the 5:2 plan or the 16:8 plan does not mean that you have to do follow the same. Choose a plan according to your needs and one that you can stick to.


It is completely natural to starve after a 16-hour fast. However, that does not mean that you will overflow your plate with every food you find in the kitchen while breaking your fast. Overeating will undo all the good work that you have done for the past 16 hours. Be conscious of the calorie intake and choose your food accordingly.

Not Exercising

While diet is a big part of intermittent fasting, you are not going to see results if you do not work that body. Losing weight involves eating right food in the right amount, but you also have to let your body burn the calories you have been taking in.

Consuming Fewer Calories

While overeating is one of the mistakes people make while intermittent fasting, under-eating is one of them too. Understand that your body is a machine that needs a certain amount of calories to keep it going. Consuming lesser calories will not only slow down your weight loss process, but might provoke you into overindulging the next day.

The Wrong Drink

When you are fasting, it is important to keep yourself hydrated. It is advisable to choose tea, coffee or plain water as your drink during the fasting window. However, having sodas and carbonated drinks during fasting is not going to let you lose weight.